Wednesday 10 February 2016



Nobody knows exactly the true purpose of dreaming. It’s possible that our dreams are used for humans to consolidate its memories for things that happened the day before. Once in the dream state, it’s also possible that our brain pulls information that we need and disregards the stuff that we don’t. Many researchers feel that our dreams are like a noise in the background that is thought out and organized.

As you know my hobby are Scuba Diving so my dream are related to it. So i want to own Scuba Diving Centre that provide a scuba diving equipment , scuba diving courses , scuba diving trips and to all that want to discover scuba diving. Actualy i already had a online scuba diving centre but i want to develop it to the next level and became a famous scuba diving centre in whole world. 

My next step is want to have my own speed boat so it will be easier to run my business as a scuba diving centre. There's a few types of speed boat in the market but my speed boat are a custom made for scuba diving. 

So i hope my dream came true. : - )

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